Mary Greenlee Helps You Step Forward!
She (Guide Mary) will help you step by step to complete each section of the Life Facts Book.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, Mary is there to be your guide!
While the Life Facts Book is your map for getting your important life information together, into one location, Mary Greenlee is your guide for taking the actions necessary to complete your Fact Gathering Journey.
There are two paths you can take on your fact gathering journey. Path One is on a Group Coaching Journey; and Path 2 is an Individual Coaching Journey (One on One).
Group Coaching Program
6-10 participants
Schedule determined by mutual agreement of participants
Twelve monthly sessions (2 hours) one session per month – $450 per participant.
Group Organizer participates gratis
Participants prioritize the order of topic presentation & completion
Individual Coaching Program
One on 1 – In person or virtual coaching, via Zoom
Schedule to be mutually agreed upon
12 (2-hour sessions) to complete the LFB – $1,995.00
6 (2-hour sessions) to complete ½ of the book’s sections – Individual’s choice of sections – $995.00

Contact Mary to Get Started:
Mary Greenlee, Principal & Coach
Transition Times LLC
Home of the Life Facts Book
[email protected]
Testimonials for Mary Greenlee Coaching

Group Coaching
Group coaching is offered both in person and virtually via Zoom. Working in a group setting affords multiple benefits. Participants often feel a commitment to other members of the group to get their fact gathering journey completed. The encouragement of members to each other regularly provides the incentive to keep the journey moving ahead. Learning that other members of the group are having similar difficulties, gathering, and collecting information, lets each member know they are not alone or the only ones finding the journey challenging. Celebrating completion of each section of the Life Facts Book provides success markers along the route. Keeping the goal of completion at the forefront of the group’s vision will ensure the groups success. Working in a committed group provides the momentum for success and accomplishment.

Individual Coachng
Completing an individual’s fact gathering journey is facilitated by having a knowledgeable guide/coach at one’s side. The Life Facts Book was built for individuals to complete the fact gathering journey solo. Experience has proven that working with a guide/coach speeds along the process. The guide understands the content and the journey needed to successfully complete the individual’s inventory. There are financial and legal terms encountered which can be more easily understood with the assistance of a coach. Often, a coach has experienced ways to streamline the fact gathering process whether it is in the personal, medical, legal, or financial worlds. Talking through the book’s content with a coach during the scheduled sessions can speed up the individual’s progress and make the journey faster and more successful for an individual.